Intensive Thai Language Course
If you really want to learn Thai you should choose our Intensive Thai Language Course. You will learn how to speak and understand Thai as well as read and write. This is a full time course with five lessons per day Mondays to Fridays.
Standard Thai Language Course
In our Standard Thai Language Course you will learn how to speak and understand spoken Thai. You will not learn how to read and write. This is a part time course with lessons twice a week, two and a half hours per time.

Family Thai Language Course
In this course, you have a opportunity to engage in a family activity during your time in Thailand. And what better way to spend it than by learning about the Thai language and culture? The course is tailored to be educational and enjoyable for all family members.

How to Learn Thai - Tips for success
To get a good foundation when you learn Thai - start with listening comprehension. Lanta International Language School considers listening comprehension to be the key to effective and successful language learning. We base this on both scientific research and our own experiences during testing and teaching.

What does it mean?
A: Confused
B: Surprise
C: Stress
Take a guess and see the correct answer in the next video.
Thai Language Tuesday - Free Thai Lessons
Here is our latest weekly Thai Language Tuesdays video, to see all our videos follow us on Facebook or Instagram.
Instagram: lils_lanta
Facebook: Lanta International Language School
